Al Qahtani calls Al Thokbah Club is to overcome difficulties

April 18.2

Hamid Al-Jarallah, a board member and general secretary of the club Amr Hamed al-Husseini.

and the support of the containment to the people of the region, which is beneficial to the community, also praised the cultural and social Qahtani provided the club with activities for all age groups that are reluctant at the club that day and stressed that the role of the club is not limited to physical activity only.

the most notable achievements of the club rise of the first football team to the ranks of clubs, second-class and also the first team to forget the ground for the Premier League championship for the years 1433 and 1436 e and get first-team football at the Eastern region Championship in 1433 and the rise of the first football team for four consecutive years to playoffs At the end of the meeting, shouting presented a shield of thanks and appreciation to His Excellency also drew exclamations and his board of directors thanks and appreciation to a man Abdulhadi Al-Qahtani business on the support provided by the pleasure to support the history of the club and his sons as also thanked for the warm reception and hospitality.

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